The PumpHouse: CREATIVE TALKS 2023 David Veart – Historian and Writer

Date: August 21st, 2023 - August 21st, 2023

Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Where: The Coal Bunker Studio at The PumpHouse Theatre 2a Manuere Ave Takapuna 0622
Tickets: Free but booking essential

Back by popular demand local historian David Veart takes us on a journey back to childhood. He explores the idea that toys are not just made for playing with, but they are also serious business.

In his book Hello Girls and Boys! David explored a few centuries of pocket knives and plasticine to take us deep into the childhoods of Aotearoa – under the eye of mum or running wild at the end of the section, with a doll in the hand or an arrow in the ear, hula hooping or assembling kitsets.

There’s Māori and Pakeha learning knucklebones from each other, young Aucklanders establishing the largest Meccano club in the world. This talk will revisit the toys, the crazes and playtimes and preoccupations of big and little New Zealand kids for generations.

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