Bruce Mason Centre: Sleeping Beauty – Royal Czech Ballet

Date: November 2nd, 2023

Where: Bruce Mason Centre

Following their 2022 performances of Swan Lake, critically-acclaimed international ballet company The Royal Czech Ballet return with their presentation of the classic masterpiece Sleeping Beauty.

When the bad fairy Carabosse is not invited by the King to Princess Aurora’s christening, she casts a spell on the Princess that will mean she will die if pricked by a needle from the age of 16. The King tries to protect his daughter by banning all needles in the Kingdom, however Princess Aurora accidentally pricks her finger on her 16th birthday. 100 years later, a handsome prince stumbles upon the sleeping beauty, Princess Aurora is awoken from her sleep and witchcraft is defeated.

This ballet will feature performances by international soloist Natalia Kusch and the male lead will be played by Nikolay Nazarkevich.

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